Researh into Magazine Conventions

Front Covers

These images are from the front covers of the well know indie music magazine NME . I have chosen these specifically because they have inspired my to create the design for my own magazine, I came across these images when researching into the conventions of a music magazine. However, what I have used these front covers for is to deconstruct them and to gain a knowledge into the common conventions of a music magazine, more specifically the front cover in this case. First of all as you can see from looking at all three of the examples, there is a clear main image in the centre of each front cover page , this is there to attract the audiences attention as it is relevant to what is inside the magazine, therefore it gives the reader a flavour of what the magazine will be like even though they haven't even opened it.

Secondly on all 3 magazine front covers there is a clear and
defined magazine title , which gives the audience the magazine name , which may encourage regular buyers for that magazine given the content is good. This is a convention which I need to ensure I place upon my magazine if I am to fit in with the market. In addition to this, across all 3 magazines there are subheadings, indicating what is inside the magazine, mentioning bands and festivals which will also encourage the reader to pick up the magazine. The bigger the story or band the larger the subheading e.g. MUSE to the right . Another convention which is used is the use of a barcode this may seem a small convention yet is crucial as will give the magazine a sense of realism.

Also another convention which is key is the layout of the magazine, the image is centred as described previously and then the text is placed around the image, this frames the image and draws the audiences attention away from the main image towards the text. I feel this is a convention I need to use within my work as it will allow me to gain more interest from readers and abides by the genre conventions.  Also in all the magazines I have looked at the colour schemes contrast to make the words stand out even more from the main image e.g. the image to the left the contrast of white and blue. One final convention used is how the title of the magazine is always on the top of the front cover as this signifies its dominance and shows that it is the brand of the magazine.

Contents Page

This is an image from the music magazine Q, it shows the general conventions of a contents page. One of these conventions is the title "Contents " this allows the reader to know what the page is about and that it will show the what information is on which page. This page will be a feature of my AS portfolio because it is a key part of the music magazine. Another convention of the contents page is the issue number this gives the music magazine a sense of realism because it shows that there has been more than one magazine and therefore shows its a widely marketed product. Therefore in order for my magazine to fit in with the conventions I need to ensure I use these in my product. Also a simple convention which is used is a main image , which is likely to relate to the information within the music magazine because  this attracts the reader to read further into the magazine .

In addition, I have researched into more than one type of magazine for my contents page research, this time I chose to look at the indie/rock music magazine NME as this is a mass market magazine which I can take inspiration and learn from the basic conventions which it uses. Similar to Q magazine , NME uses a featured column which shows all the pages which are included in the magazine and what information or news is upon them. Also one thing I have noticed from looking at both of the contents pages is that they both seem relatively well layed out and organised, showing they have a basic structure to them . Another detail which I have noticed , and may include on my contents page is that contrasting colours are used in order to highlight and make the text stand out.

Double Page Spread

This is a image from the rock magazine Kerrang, I have looked at this magazine to give me a further knowledge into the construction of a double page spread , and to gain inspiration for my own magazine double page spread for my coursework. It shows one large main image then to the left is the text and the story behind the band / image which is shown. This is a similar layout to majority of the music magazines as it is simple and allows the reader to have a large portion ot read whilst at the same time having a visual image to go alongside the article.

To the right is a double page spread article from  the music magazine NME, it looks quite visually appealing due to the bright colours which have been used within the main image. This immediately grabs the readers attention and encourages them to read the article on the double page spread. This colours have strong connotations of individuality and randomness which is stereotypical of the indie music genre as all artists are different and have a different image.


In addition to this research I also carried out some small scale deconstructions of existing media products to further my knowledge of the conventions of music magazines so that I was able to produce the best work I possibly could for my portfolio.

Front Cover

Contents Page

About Me

My photo
Hello, I am Matthew I am an A2 student at St.Bedes Sixthform College in Lanchester. I live locally at Consett. I enjoy Media as it allows me to be creative with different media types and incorporates my passion for music aswell.