Evaluation 7

What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from your preliminary and the full product?

Since the starting the course I have totally changed in my attitudes towards media and this coursework has helped me develop and enhance a variety of my skills. Through carrying out the coursework and the research into different music magazines it has made me much more aware of the media around me. 
There is a substantial difference in the products which I have created from the start of the course ( preliminary) to the products which I have produced at the end of the course (front cover, double page spread and contents page) these have been down to a variety of factors.

  • Construction - One of the things I have learnt in the progression from my preliminary task to my full media products I have created is the construction element of producing a magazine. I have learnt how to research and create a product to suit the needs of a target market whilst also making sure the product will fit into the mass market for commercial sale. 

  • Research - I have learnt how use different methods such as the internet , to research different media products independently in order to gain ideas and learnt the guidelines and conventions of real life media texts

  • Editing - One of the main things which I have learnt within this coursework is how to edit my images on Photoshop. I went into this course not knowing how to use any elements of the editing software Photoshop, however now I am able to take an image and alter a variety of things on it such as ; contrast , brightness, levels, saturation and hue and these are just a few. This new knowledge of editing software will be a skill I can apply to other elements of editing I come across in other pieces of coursework.

  • Photography - Although it seems trivial, I feel I have developed my photography skills since the start of the course because I think more about the focus, lighting and positioning of the shots , rather than the location or actor who is within the shot. This is because I have learnt more about the framing o actors and the different shots that you can use to create a magazine. 

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About Me

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Hello, I am Matthew I am an A2 student at St.Bedes Sixthform College in Lanchester. I live locally at Consett. I enjoy Media as it allows me to be creative with different media types and incorporates my passion for music aswell.